How do I get the outputs of my job?

Users may get the outputs of their job using the Jobs UI or the maap-py client library.

Jobs UI

  1. Open the Jobs UI from the Jobs menu then navigate to the Jobs UI View tab.


  1. Select your job then under the Job Details table, click the Outputs tab. The Products field provides the path to the product directory within the workspace.


Navigating to the product directory for the selected job above shows the following:

(base) root@workspacelbx1uqgeyqdei83w:~/my-private-bucket/dps_output/run-dps-test_ubuntu/delay10/2023/05/10/15/13/27/250000# pwd

(base) root@workspacelbx1uqgeyqdei83w:~/my-private-bucket/dps_output/run-dps-test_ubuntu/delay10/2023/05/10/15/13/27/250000# ls
_stderr.txt  _stdout.txt  output-2023-05-10T15:13:27.250000.context.json  output-2023-05-10T15:13:27.250000.dataset.json  output-2023-05-10T15:13:27.250000.met.json  write-output.txt

MAAP-py Library

  1. Open a Jupyter Notebook then click the MAAP button from the notebook toolbar. This will paste the code snippet below into your notebook.


  1. Provide the MAAP host. For DIT, this would be
from maap.maap import MAAP
maap = MAAP(maap_host='')
  1. Use the getJobResult method and provide the job ID that was created upon job submission.
r = maap.getJobResult("86fbac52-24b0-4963-8b67-59d0fc09946a")
  1. Run the notebook to get the job result. The output should resemble the xml snippet below.
<wps:Result xmlns:ows="" xmlns:schemaLocation="" xmlns:wps="" xmlns:xsi=""><wps:JobID>86fbac52-24b0-4963-8b67-59d0fc09946a</wps:JobID><wps:Output id="output-2023-05-10T15:39:51.905070"><wps:Data></wps:Data><wps:Data>s3://</wps:Data><wps:Data>;tab=overview</wps:Data></wps:Output></wps:Result>